Saturday, February 25, 2012

AF Day 287

FOB Smart at 1830 - Saturday

I like these moments at night, just as dusk is turning to darkness - the winds are blowing strong, the trees are making their appropriate noises, the calm skies above yearning to be hidden for awhile, and peaceful and restive energies drop all around as though meant for memories to conjure the passions of our yesterdays. Afghanistan, for me, is at once alluring and maddening. The time is slowly, or quickly, progressing and my thoughts are elsewhere at the moment.

Today was just another regular day. People were scurrying here and there with preparations for departure and readying themselves for war - the new arrivals anyway. Going through the motions is revisited here every nine months or so. Professionals we are, warriors we are - some of us noncombatants standing alongside warriors - and citizens every one of us. Global citizens no doubt we are all as well.

Tomorrow holds more opportunities for excellence. Until then, tonight is all the remains and nothing will stand in my of tomorrow and the hope I instill as each and every tomorrow comes to pass. It is good to be alive.

143, Kaesen.

Good night and good day.

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