Wednesday, February 15, 2012

AF Day 277

FOB Smart at 1800 - Wednesday

Fleeting is the feeling of invincibility, especially after living through or being near to the harsh reality of our current war. My reality, here in Qalat, has been fortunately different from other places here and there in Afghanistan. I, of course, have not been without my own share of "excitement" in my brief time here, but the degree is surely amplified and magnified in myriad other places on an hourly rather than daily, weekly, or monthly basis. I say this also knowing that once we become desensitized, the fleeting invincibility can also be periodically shared with an overabundance of confidence. I have always felt confidence in my endeavors here - largely thanks to the professionals who encircle me and protect me. Though because of the desensitization, the fear can quickly fade, if faced with enough of it, and rather than destabilize it may embolden to overconfident. I remind myself that healthy confidence will keep me - healthy... and safe.

We look ahead to the next several days and await more snow, freezing rains, and frigid conditions. Such is life. More meetings, missions, and preparations for redeployment now fill my daily schedules. A few among us have less than three weeks to go! What an amazing accomplishment for these young men and women here. I am proud and honored to work with them.

I look farther ahead to see my next transition upon returning "home" and feel great hope, joy, and significant position now gained for an enduring success and life of happiness. Life is very good these days and more shall follow.

143, Kaesen.

Good night and good day.

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