Monday, March 19, 2012

AF Day 310 - Persian New Year's Eve

FOB Smart at 1900 - Monday

Hey mister, what is it like to live on a forward operating base in Qalat, Zabul Province, Afghanistan? Well son, the same amenities we all take for granted back home are in fact a luxury throughout Afghanistan, but here at FOB Smart, we have reliable running water (non-potable) and wastewater service (non chemical toilets required). We have three hot meals a day, beds to sleep in nightly, air conditioning and heating, computers, lights, cameras, and plenty of action. Seriously though, we do!

Today we enjoyed a rare sandstorm with high winds and low visibility. Dust everywhere in the Middle East seems to have flown and blown in for this storm today. Think about everything that dries on the Afghan ground - including human waste byproducts and then imagine it drying, blowing around, and eventually getting sucked into a dust storm - then imagine how it must permeate these types of rare storms and we get to breathe it all in. No, I am not complaining, but I am describing life here - my life anyway.

I completed another five-project outside-the-wire construction mission this morning. I had another mounted mission scheduled for the afternoon, but it was rescheduled. We had a few meetings, a few meals, and lots of laughs and good humor throughout this day. All is well for most of us here at FOB Smart. Life is a beautiful experience - no matter where I live or visit.

The Persian New Year is tonight, Monday, 19 March 2012 - it has been celebrated in this part of the world for over 3,000 years. Happy New Year's everyone.

143, Kaesen.

Good night and good day.

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