Friday, March 16, 2012

AF Day 307

FOB Smart at 1900 - Friday

If I were "home" right now, where would I be and what would I be doing? Literally, since it is Friday night here, it'd be 0730 on Friday morning. At Fulcrum I would have already been at work for half an hour. At USACE, I would be showing up shortly. Either way, would be going to work and looking forward to another Friday night of relaxing with my son and something fun to do with him over the weekend. Since I am here, you all likely know by now that the Friday nights, and all nights for that matter, generally contain one or two movies followed by sleep, lately restless sleep, followed by shower - food - work - food - movies - sleep - shower - food - work... you get the drift.

From here where should I lead you tonight? The weather has been mild to warming and the skies, today, have been filled with dust and moderate winds. Concrete work resumes here in four days - so we are all eagerly anticipating the increased mission requirements, increased monitoring and observations. My day count is getting really low, but I will be marching on strong to the very last day. That is the nature of PRT teamwork.

My son has been talking a lot about where he and I can go camping, as long as there are no bears in the woods or fish in the rivers or lakes. He s a funny little boy these days - well always actually, but especially funny when he speaks against bears and fish!

143, Kaesen.

Good night and good day.

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