Monday, December 19, 2011

AF Day 219

Phoenix, Arizona, at 2100 - Monday

Kaesen and I had the most wonderful of days together. We began early with a yummy breakfast at Dunkin Doughnuts in Scottsdale, Arizona. We found a very cool park in Scottsdale, McCormick Train Park, on Scottsdale Road south of my old office with Fulcrum. We played and took lots of photographs for sharing. After the park we stopped in at Fulcrum to say hello to my old employer and discuss our joint future - this was a very enlightening and enjoyable meeting. Afterward we drove home to my father's and Kaesen left with his "Vovo" to her gym so he could play at the LA Fitness children's play area. I picked him up there an hour or so later and Kaesen and I went to watch "Hugo 3D" at the AMC theater in Deer Valley, Arizona. Finally, we shopped a little, for a drop-down DVD player for Kaesen's truck (my truck) and returned home. Kaesen then played with the neighbor kids for an hour or so and later my father, his wife, Kaesen, and I went to dinner at Red Lobster (Kaesen's choice) for a delicious shrimp dinner. What an amazing day for Kaesen and I - just the normal routine and fun stops all along the way.

Tomorrow Kaesen and I have a little more shopping to complete, I need to take him to the doctor, his old pediatrician, for a cough that is not relenting, and more fun breaks wherever we can fund them! I cannot think of anything else in my 39+ years that have been more rewarding than spending time with this boy.

My thoughts now are also of my comrades back at FOB Smart in Afghanistan. I wish them safety, wellness, happiness, and joy as they work their way through December.

143, Kaesen.

Good night and good day.

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