Thursday, April 19, 2012

AF Day 341

Kandahar Airfield (KAF) at 1145 - Thursday

Although severely delayed and with an aching back aching all the more from trying to sleep on a military cot last night - my helicopter finally made it to KAF this morning. I slept fitfully from 2000 to 2330 last night and again from 0200 to 0500 this morning. My flight left FOB Lagman around 0715 and the flight complete with two more stops at FOB Viper and another unidentified FOB was uneventful. I am grateful to be on KAF and soon will be taking a well-deserved nap. Until then, my laundry awaits and some packing and repacking is in order.

Upon arriving and getting situated, I tried locating my nephew, Leyton, to no avail. I will try again this afternoon. I know he is here, so now I just need to make the connection, meet with our public affairs team for a few photos, and spend as much time as possible with him. The folks here at USACE on KAF said he came by the USACE compound looking for me last night - too bad the weather rained me out; not tonight though.

I am certain of one thing right this moment. I am so very excited to see my little boy in a few days! I did speak with him for a few second a couple of hours ago - he was asleep, sleepy, and so very sweet to his daddy.

143, Kaesen.

Good night and good day.

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