Sunday, November 6, 2011

AF Day 176

FOB Smart at 2030 - Sunday

Far out and faraway compare nothing to up-close and personal when dealing with jackasses and jackrabbits! We have some of both in the midst everywhere we walk through life. Comfortably dealing with jackasses involves a little finesse and a little patience. Jackrabbits you can simply shoot and be done with them if they pester, fester, or you bore of their lackluster ways. I love jackrabbits though, so I would never tire of their beauty, their poise, or their grace. Jackasses, well they are simply jackasses.

I had a long MCP mission today that was planned for about an hour. I just returned. it was interesting in that I had never been on an MCP at night before. Your whole perspective changes here when it is dark out. I watched a sunset from a very wonderful vantage point this evening. It was magnificent in every way and, as mentioned before, I was reminded again how similar the environment is here compared to southern or central Arizona. I really miss Arizona!

143, Kaesen.

Good night and good day.

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