Monday, August 1, 2011

Special Post No. 043

CPT Daniel Simon Leonard and the US Army 182 at a local construction project.
Typical masonry construction of an Afghan ministerial office building in Qalat.
Nice ladder!

Afghan interpreter, "Craft," inside of a typical masonry construction of an Afghan ministerial office building in Qalat.

Typical masonry construction of an Afghan ministerial office building in Qalat.

Typical masonry construction of an Afghan ministerial office building in Qalat.

Afghan interpreter, "Craft," and the rest of the US Army 182 security forces patrolling with me through Qalat.

The US Army 182 security forces patrolling with me through Qalat.

Afghan interpreter, "Khan," and the rest of the US Army 182 security forces patrolling with me through Qalat.

Sheik Mati Boys' Boarding School - Typical Clasroom

Sheik Mati Boys' Boarding School - Typical Clasroom
Sheik Mati Boys' Boarding School - Soccer Stadium

Sheik Mati Boys' Boarding School - Soccer Stadium

TSgt Kangas rocking the morning foot patrol!

TSgt Kangas rocking the morning foot patrol!
Mike Booth of Tundra Strategies and the Afghan PSD we roll out with regularly!

1 comment:

Heather Kangas said...

thanks for posting the great pics of my favorite guy :)