FOB Smart at 1600 - Monday
Monday, late afternoon, and I am mildly exhausted, friends. The work of a PRT is relentless, fulfilling, "exciting", interesting, and often filled with hours and hours of bliss-filled work. Today did not disappoint. It began, for me, with a 0500 mission brief, a 0600 mission - a dismounted foot patrol through Old Qalat City - , and another 0730 mounted combat patrol to New Qalat City. The projects I manage on behalf of the PRT vary, as I have said before, but not a single observation occurs without something, if only one thing, more than mildly interesting occurring or being discovered or being sought after. Call me crazy, but I truly believe that I am meant for construction consulting, construction management, and construction appreciation. All this and more have I found and learned to long for professionally. I suppose my time with ABACUS and Fulcrum prepared me for yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and all because of Chicky and Aaron way back when in Las Vegas for giving me the start in construction that was waiting for me all along.
This evening I have one additional meeting and then the "me time" begins once more. My "me time" here, again as I have mentioned many times before consists of movies, or as with yesterday - shooting military weapons on a firing range - and I believe all this "me time" is preparing me to be an ever better husband, father, son, brother, cousin, friend. I say this because I should be able to quickly fall back into being such and once again fondly yearn for spending all of my spare time with K&K. As I cannot today or tomorrow, the "me time" is my release. Do you find this confusing? Certainly not for me, as I love working and playing equally and sharing such with my family is what my life is all about after all.
Today is Day 100 in Afghanistan and nearly Day 107 since I last held K&K. I live for the days when we are together again and hope for a brighter and an even more fulfilling future than the already-amazing life I have already led. One hundred days is quite the milestone for me. Soon it will be Day 200 and then Day 300… and who knows, I may even see Days 400, 500, and beyond Day 600 in the end here in Qalat, Afghanistan. Time can only tell...
Cheers to all and cheers to me.
143, K&K.
Good night and good day.