Sunday, July 3, 2011

AF Day 050

FOB Smart at 2100 - Sunday

I earned my dollar today, friends, another day... another dollar, or so the saying goes. I enjoyed today. It was a mixture of old and new, a bid conference again with the local contractors from Qalat, Afghanistan. I had a few meetings, some scheduled and some impromptu. It was solid work. I have a mission tomorrow, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. I do enjoy the pace when it is high and demanding. The "excitement" makes for quick days. Quick days make for one day closer to being with my family once again. I will observe progress on many projects this week, some old and some new.

Life is moving by and I am able to take in each moment with my eyes wide open. I love my life! I also love my wife, son, pets, family, friends, and those of you whom I have not even met - yet. Not a day passes that I do not think about how fortunate I am, for that matter - we are, for the amazing opportunities there are in America and in our lives. An example would be that we have an open society where we are free to dissent, free to travel freely, free to voice opinions, free to make and learn from mistakes. Seriously, we have permanently paved roads, safe buildings within which to dwell, work, socialize, and learn. Speaking of learning, we have schools, teachers, and the wherewithal to fund these schools, salaries, tuition, etc. We even have baseball, football, and Mexican food restaurants. On the other hand, we also have Chinese, Korean, Japanese, German, Italian, home-style cooking, and every other type of restaurant that our hearts could desire. We have so very much to be grateful for each day.

We have it all. We have it all because of the sacrifices made by our forefathers, and the men and women who have given their blood, sweat, tears, and ultimately their lives to ensure that our way of life is protected. We also thank those same men and women who offer their lives in the name of capacity development, in the name of nation building, and in the name of helping our neighbors, friends, and allies. We have it all!

143, K&K.

Good night and good day.

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