Friday, May 27, 2011

AF Day 013

I observed progress on multiple local projects today, which evidenced similar opportunities for mentoring of the Afghan contractors. Mixing concrete, laying concrete, forming concrete, curing concrete, and anything, well, concrete are areas of needed mentoring and growth. I love this experience!

The weather remains moderate and, as with anywhere it gets really warm, the heat starts to come on strong toward mid-afternoon. The environment is certainly enjoyable. As I mentioned previously, the Afghanistan countryside resembles the vast expanses of Arizona and the vegetation is very similar minus the saguaro cacti. Being an Arizona lover, this area of Afghanistan is right up my alley per se.

Several of my coworkers here received their customary Afghan shirt, pants, and turbans today. One can purchase a handmade version with ornate embroidery and custom-fitted for less than $100. Maybe y'all will see me in one soon.

More to follow...

143, K&K.

Good night and good day.


BW said...

Hey Now! Please post a photo of you in your very first turban. Love you Bro! Stay safe...

BW said...

I should clarify it's Billy posting comments for Big L. I am using my joint acount with my wife Jenna to post the messages.

BW said...

Big L!!!

JL Summerlin said...

What up, Double Dubs?! I knew it was you, kid. It's all good in the brotherhood. Once I get the turban it'll be posted up for all to see!

Life is good here. I'll call you soon.

Happy belated Birthday on May 16th!


BW said...

How you doing on Sun Flower seeds haus? Maybe the Wilson family can package up some Spitz for a brotha?? Shooot....

I got a new number 520 878 8625