Saturday, May 28, 2011

AF Day 014

Today we attended a monthly bid conference with about 50+ Afghan contractors in one of their local government ministry buildings. We arrived there early to setup our equipment, establish security, and receive the Afghan contractors. Two of my Air Force counterparts, including Capt "Chicky" Ciccarelli, led the presentations along with one of our trusted interpreters. Being able to experience this interaction was powerful because we take this process for granted back home. Not only do Afghans have a language barrier to overcome, but they also have to contend with a general lack of quality workmanship standards, business management skills, skilled labor availability, etc. We have at our disposal back home the ability of contractors to rapidly bid work, and if fortunate to be low bidder/qualified bidder, commence the work as soon as possible. So, the experience was enlightening and my Air Force counterparts did an excellent job today.

I met a few more US Army Corps of Engineers staff who work is a nearby location and have nothing to do with the work I perform here at PRT Zabul (FOB Smart). They are our administrative liaison back to Kandahar Airfield, where our current district headquarters and administrative supervisory chain operates. It was good to meet them and put faces with voices and names previously acknowledged.

It is Saturday evening right now and it feels like everyday could be Tuesday here! The days and nights run into one another and weekdays have very little significance right now. The countdown to R&R has commenced. I cannot wait to see my wife, my son, my family, and my friends. For now, however, I feel fortunate to have the weekdays and weekends seem nonstop... well, they are actually!

Hey, y'all, have a terrific day. Hug a soldier, a sailor, or an airman and let them know how thankful you are to have them in our lives. They are the sheepdogs of our great country working tireless 24/7, 365 to provide us comfort, freedom, and stability.

143, K&K.

Good night and good day.

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