Tuesday, May 10, 2011

UDC Day Two


I was able to reach and speak with Kimberly, Kaesen, and my dad! I am quickly and immediately winding down this day/night and I find my tired self longing - again - for the sweet comfort of my wife and son.

You know, the thing that really stirs my spirit and lifts me up and above the longing is the realization that everything I am doing, will do, and want to do over the course of the next year is for the benefit of my country, for you my fellow citizens, and for the betterment of my family. You can take away all of the privileges, all of the incentives, the benefits, etc. and what you have leftover is the comforting peace of mind that no matter where you go or what happens, you stood up, you raised your hand when asked to do so, and you stepped into line to once again do your part as an American. I am here, standing, and I am happily and willingly serving.

I love this opportunity.

I love my family and my friends alike.

Good night and good day.

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