Wednesday, May 11, 2011

UDC Day Three

Day Three began at 0505 for me and the work we completed today (training, briefings, first aid refreshers, etc.) was enjoyable. The local Channel 3 News was onsite today filming my class and interviewed several of us. I volunteered, but the other three were interviewed as I had other business come up.

Kimberly and Kaesen are driving through Portland momentarily with Kimberly's father, our two dogs, our cat, and all of the essentials K&K will require for the next 13 months. They appear to be making decent time; there is no rush regardless.

Tomorrow morning certain of our class departs for their duty assignments abroad while the remainder of us stays to complete additional specialized training specific to our career fields. Mine, for example, relates to customized software unique to the US Army Corps of Engineers for construction management (8 hours are devoted for such) and additional software for US Army construction staff. As an Army civilian, I have only my prior US Air Force to base my opinion, but this deployment process is outstanding, the instructors (half active duty US Army and half civilians) are very professional and genuinely appear to be concerned for our wellbeing.

As usual, I miss my loved ones although the constant state of training has immensely helped in moving forward during this transition.

I love you K&K!

Good night and good day.

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