Monday, May 9, 2011

UDC Day One

I awoke this early morning refreshed with the mere 6.25 hours of sleep my lonely, albeit weary, bones could muster. I'm ready for this; bring it, y'all!

Hooah (backcronym: HUA - heard, understood, & acknowledged), Master Sergeant! Yes, Master Sergeant, may I please have another?! Thank you, Master Sergeant! Hooah!

Day One went down easily, although for me lasted through 2100 (9:00 p.m.) due to additional training requirements. Once at my hotel, I Skyped my wife, son, father, and spoke with a couple of friends. Let me tell y'all this, UDC is very similar to basic training, only much faster, a lot easier (understand no yelling), and one is generally 20 years senior to basic training recruits. I enjoyed meeting and conversing with two Master Sergeants, both active duty Army, during the course of the day.

My feeling of desperate loneliness and isolation from Kimberly and Kaesen were eased throughout the day by the constant activity. Now, I realized what the feeling would likely "feel" like before I left them, but getting through the departure in Palm Springs and completing the flights was rough. Today was a little better. Tomorrow... well know that I am taking it all in and one day at a time.

Good night and good day.

Special thanks given to my father for the quick catch of my early version to this post.

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