Thursday, June 23, 2011

AF Day 041

FOB Smart at 0800

I wish a good evening to most of y'all and to some even good night. I slept like a champion and greeted the day with excitement and honor. I ate a delicious breakfast of cereal along with some scrambled eggs with sausage, vegetables, and the like cooked therein. My body woke me up at 0530 today for some reason. I am alive!

A good portion of our current troops here are leaving today and are being replaced by fresh troops. In my brief time here, I have come to know, or at least recognize, most everyone here on the FOB. New faces have been here for the last week, and now I recognize them as well. I have met and conversed with a variety of interesting people and appreciate them for such interaction.

Fridays here are "Any Hat Friday," meaning we can wear a hat of our choice here on the FOB on Fridays. Today I chose my light-tan and light-brown golf hat; LOL. Hey, fun comes from everywhere, everything, and everyone in a contingency environment. It's the little things that count often for many.

I love you family and friends.

I love you, K&K.

Good night and good day.

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