Sunday, June 26, 2011

AF Day 043

FOB Smart at 1530 - Sunday

Sundays are Mondays here and my Monday is going great. I met with two local Afghans from one of my projects, two 2-story warehouses in Qalat, this morning. As they were running a bit late, Afghan time, we ended up meeting until lunch. After escorting them off the FOB, I ate lunch and prepared for a mission to a nearby location for a bid conference. There we presented a new project to about 30 Afghans, including one female general contractor. What a remarkable sight; women are definitely unseen and unheard in the region, but her she was, asking questions and appearing ready to work. I was proud of her for standing up to the unseen/unheard tradition. My how times are changing, albeit slowly but changing nevertheless.

I have a couple of more meetings to attend this afternoon. I think my knees are good-to-go for running again, so it looks like a few miles on the treadmill and possibly some weight training for the legs as well. I have little else on the radar today or tonight.

143, K&K.

Good night and good day.

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