Wednesday, June 8, 2011

AF Day 025

FOB Smart at 1829 (6:29 p.m.)

Think tired… It has been a long day for me. I finished with a bid review preparation that took most of the day rather than the planned few hours. We received many more bids than usual and such required more initial review necessary to update the bid review file. My eyes are scratchy.

I have an early rise tomorrow, a mission brief, a mission, another mission brief, another mission, and then a somewhat quite day thereafter. Friday is shaping up to be a somewhat quiet day, too. I will never complain for such, as it affords me the chance to study more, take more tests, and improve.

It is movie time here in my room, so with that I bid you farewell, adieu, adios, etc. Still no DVD burner in the mail; alas, the video uploading herein continues to be on hold.

143, K&K.

Good night and good day.

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