Monday, January 23, 2012

AF Day 254

FOB Smart at 1800 - Monday

As previously mentioned, no work was performed on our two FOB expansion projects today. The snow melted a little today, but more than a foot of it needs to melt, more in drifted areas, before anything will happen again. Besides, with our local ban on concrete construction during freezing weather there is not very much that can be done except for rampart construction and selective demolition. Regardless, the day was quick and simple and now the evening has set in over Qalat.

I spoke with my son earlier this morning for awhile. It was one of those conversations that warms the heart and it covered mostly fun topics a 4-year old boy would imagine. I miss my son terribly and cannot wait to see him again this summer, or late spring. He and I have plans for camping, swimming on lakes and rivers, movies, reading, singing, and visiting family and friends all over the south and southwestern United States. I am stoked!

The week ahead includes nothing major planned in terms of missions, although I do need to go outside the wire and observe progress on several completed buildings. This is a major change from last spring, summer, and fall. With nearly 200 missions outside the wire completed, a lull during this winter is welcomed and appreciated.

143, Kaesen.

Good night and good day.

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