Monday, May 7, 2012

May 7, 2012 - Las Cruces with Kaesen

Southern New Mexico at 2359 - Monday

Late night on Monday and all feels right in my little world. Kaesen is asleep, as have I been, and tired in a good way. Good because we shared another wonderful day together, as of course we should in any situation. It feels very normal and secure for the both of us to have fallen back into our routines as father and son. This is what I waited so long for - this feeling of being whole and as right as rain inside. Kaesen needs his daddy to be there - and I am now and forever. Oh well, I am a mushy dad at times and it is all good in the neighborhood.

Kaesen enjoyed watching "Chimpanzee" today with me at the Mesilla Valley Mall, as well as bouncing on the fun air toys at Bounce for Fun and eating French toast sticks at Village Inn. Dinner was from Buffalo Wild Wings. The hot tub felt good on my aching body this morning and again earlier tonight. Hot tubs are a must-have in my future. Kaesen enjoys living to the fullest. He seems to be quite content doing the activities like today's, so tomorrow and beyond, as have all our days so far, will hold similarly-planned stop and go's and other interesting places along our way.

The time to wrap this blog up is coming quickly. A good ending point might be now, although a better ending point could be when my time comes to an end with the reintegration leave and sick leave come to an end - as they relate to this yearlong deployment to Afghanistan. We'll see how I "feel" in the coming few days. Another blog is taking shape in my mind - one less regularly recurring than this one. Good things are afoot, no doubt.

143, Kaesen.

Good night and good day.

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