Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Special Post No. 062

On Sunday, 23 Oct 2011, we completed a mounted combat patrol into several villages near Qalat, although outside of Qalat's municipal boundaries. The striking and overarching takeaway, for me, was how absolutely beautiful this face of Afghanistan was that particular day. Everywhere we walked in the villages, we could see tree orchards on either side of the narrow "streets," which were little more than worn extra-large footpaths, standing above and beyond the mud walls (similar to North American adobe construction). We also encountered local farmers, definitely subsistence farming in this area of Afghanistan, tilling their fields, and preparing for the next planting season.

Walking around I commented several times that if one were to take away the reality of war and Taliban in the area, you could easily be standing somewhere in the desert southwest of the United States, especially southern Arizona. The air, here in these villages, was free of smoke, dust, and foul-smelling aromas and replaced with light scents of cooking fires, bread baking, and meat grilling. Another perfect Sunday by my book. Moreover, another perfect "walk through the park" of life here, or anywhere.


1 comment:

Luke Heikkila said...

Thanks for posting this pics...stay safe. LH