Sunday, September 11, 2011

AF Day 120

Las Cruces, NM, at 2359 - Sunday

On this day ten years ago our nation suffered the single greatest attack ever on our soil and our hearts and minds. We overcame the tragedy and overcame the terror to become a new nation of souls whose singular purpose is to root out evil in the lands far away from ours and make life better in general for those so very less fortunate than our own. I honor all of those who have died at home and abroad, those who have fought for life and liberty, and those who still choose to stand up in the line of defense so that honor and justice will prevail.

My days and nights seems to be confused by my internal clock vs. the clock dictated by where my body currently resides. I find myself waking and sleeping on Afghanistan time here in America. Friends send me messages from Afghanistan and sometimes it feels as though I should still be there, just a few buildings away, helping their recovery efforts. I know they, because they have told me so, want me to be here and enjoying my R&R, but concern for the safety of friends and the well being of friends overrides thinking at times. I will return soon.

On this beautiful New Mexcio summer morning we woke and watched Kaesen smash apart his Pinata, which he did very well with the help of his cousin, Jonny. The rest of today was filled with wide-ranging emotions and happiness with the time given to spend with my son and family. Tomorrow my brother, et al. go back to work and school. Kimberly, Kaesen, and I have plans for exploring and making the remainder of my time home on this R&R memorable.

I would be lying if I said all is well and that life is excellent, but life does not always happen as we plan for and devise. Like everyone else who encounters trials and tribulations in their own lives, I always offer the advice as follows. Persevere, overcome, and plan for a better future. While these words are not always welcomed at the time they are spoken, they are so very true.

143, Kaesen.

Good night and good day,

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